Every classroom you create will automatically include Leo Scott as the first student. Leo allows you to log in as a student, experience the platform just as your students will, and explore features without affecting class results.

How to Log in as Leo Scott

  • Navigate to the Class Overview area within your dashboard when you are signed into your classroom. 
  • Find Leo Scott listed as the first student.
  • Click the More button next to Leo’s name, then select Log in as Student.

You’ll be taken directly into the student view, where you can explore the platform as a student would.

Why Use Leo Scott?

Logging in as Leo Scott helps you stay familiar with the student experience, ensuring you’re aligned with what they see and do throughout your time on the platform. Leo Scott won't appear on the Leaderboards, allowing you to make decisions as Leo and not impact the rest of the class. 

Logging Out of the Student View

When you’re ready to return to your teacher view:

  • Click the profile icon in the top-right corner.
  • Select Log Out.

You’ll be redirected to your teacher view automatically.

For step-by-step visuals, refer to the guide below.